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STBB Winners - 2024 Update

Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:04 am

The STBB Beat Battle - Winners page has received a long overdue update! :dance:

Some additional notes:

1. The Google Doc sheet can now be downloaded by anyone - this will help preserve the history should anything ever happen to the Drive folder, our site, etc!! (Please download a copy!)

2. Some big updates to the leaderboard if anyone is interested in that, check it out!

3. Removed the SC player portion as many tracks end up deleted (so it looks ugly) and it also requires a lot of maintenance..

4. Unlocked the topic so folks can discuss the history of winners, post any corrections, etc :D

5. You can use this as a reference if you want to add your wins to your profile

If anyone sees anything that needs to be corrected, please PM STBB Bot
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