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Coronavirus ???

Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:38 am

lots of folks from all over the :earth: on here I been wondering how everyone is doing?

response from the british gov hasn't been great so outlook ain't looking too good here on the brexit isles

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Re: Coronavirus ???

Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:21 am

schools, restaurants.. and a lotta other public places all closed here in the Netherlands.
supermarkets are open and being restocked after last weekend's hoarding session.
we are advised to stay isolated as much as possible.
gathering with more than 100 people is prohibited.
if you cough, sneaze or have a cold you're supposed to not go to work.
this all in order to 'crush the curve'
a lotta hospitals are already at max capacity.
if we'd all get it at once things will get way more dramatic.

I've been reading up on all aspects of corona.. medical through to socio economical and so forth.
personally one of the ramifications is that I don't get to see my girl for.. how long?
she lives in the States
hadn't seen her in 3 months and the upcoming trip is cancelled due to flight ban.
there's some people I'm worried about like my stepdad who recently had pneumonia.
and my girl has asthmatic bronchitis of sorts.. uses an inhaler at times.
my son and other loved ones of course.
it's not true only people over 70 die of it either.
16 y/o kid in IC.
the treatment is very hefty.

about the UK I found this article.( below )
it's a bit of a gamble to take so little action but I guess we'll see in the end how it pans out. << some double entendres there.

if there's to be a broader view, let's say upside.
there's the natural selection side of things.
too many people on the planet already.
a chance to reassess our priorities.
see how humanity responds.

I am not at ease.
enough supplies to last us a month.. or two if rationed.
will ( have to ) go into work if I don't have any flulike symptoms.
now sitting in my backyard in the sun writing this.
went for a jog yesterday.
tryna stay healthy.
those couple of glasses of whiskey yesterday did make me feel better.. for a while.
no so much today.

stay healthy all ! ... spitalised

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Re: Coronavirus ???

Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:06 pm

happy this bill got passed so my gf doesn't have to lose her wages ... index.html

Europe has a similar arrangement worth 1.200 billion euros
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Re: Coronavirus ???

Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:09 pm

I live in ground zero for USA :lol:

I'm going on my third week working from home, I've got a severe case of cabin fever. I always thought the idea of remote work/telecommuting would be sweet, but I've come to realize this is torture. I miss going into office, hanging out with my friends there, playing with the dogs, etc etc. I'm looking forward to things getting back to normal, but I don't expect that to happen until May

I just got back from a long walk outside, was nice to get some fresh air. The city is a ghost town, I do wish Seattle was like this more often :P

I've stocked up on a bunch of groceries the last few weeks, my concern with all this is more the panic people have vs the actual virus. I do want to be safe though and have been avoiding crowds, restaurants, etc.

I hope everyone here stays safe and that your loved ones, friends, etc etc all stay safe. I think it is a good idea to listen to what the doctors recommend, distancing, all that stuff - hopefully we'll be back to normal soon.
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Re: Coronavirus ???

Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:59 am

Its similar, though kinda controlled here. The main herd of infections from or in austria were the Apres-Ski party locations, those got isolated mostly. All but supermarkets and some "necessary" infrastructure is closed, people are urged to stay in home office if its somehow possible. Any social contact besides the necessary is (mostly informal but still there are fines up to 3000€ if you disobey police's advice) prohibited, we are allowed to go outside only for shopping necessary supplies basically and for a walk in nature (keeping 1+ meter distance to everybody else). Fortunately, people calmed down a lot and supermarkets are pretty full again.

Oh yeah, kindergarten, schools and university are closed as well. Sports championships are all cancelled, public transport is reduced, bars and restaurants are all closed.

Now (17.3. 18:00 MEZ) we have about 1.300 confirmed infections which is bad but not unmanageable. Hospital access is prohibited for any relatives or friends. Vienna (although home to 1/4th of Austrians) seems to be way better off than the mentioned counties so far. Like everybody we alre trying to minimize the new infections to gain time to not make it conflict with the (normal) influenza-"phase".

Civil servants that fulfilled their duties (we still have mandatory military service for men as one of a few countries in the EU) less than 5 years ago could be re-enlisted, and some of the army got mobilized.
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Re: Coronavirus ???

Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:06 pm

Thanks for the updates, glad you're all being looked after.

Joa, gamble or strategic collateral damage?

Despite the UK being in the global top 10 confirmed cases and deceased we're still waiting for most of the measures mentioned here to be implemented. London alone has approx 1000 confirmed cases and they're only just starting to talk about restricting travel etc. Most educational facilities finally close from Friday.
A lot of larger entertainment venues began to close on tues/wed despite being packed during the weekend. Generally all other businesses are left to decide whether they want to open or not. Load of restaurants, pubs/bars, cafes and shops still open.
Food situation got way out of control this week. While there is enough supply most supermarkets I've been to in the last few days have been stripped by 13:00 so other folks go earlier and buy more than they need and the spiral continues. The 3 biggest supermarkets are introducing a ration of no more than 3 of any one item per customer..smh.

anyway on a positive note this kid set up a website back in december to track the viirus.

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Re: Coronavirus ???

Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:12 am

HeavyDrama wrote:
Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:06 pm

Joa, gamble or strategic collateral damage?

any strategy is a gamble I suppose.

our prime minister worded it like this: (paraphrase)
'while waiting for a vaccin we gotta let the virus go around (slowly) so we can create group immunity
to make a buffer for more fragile people...
and beat the curve which would be unmanagable for hospitals coz cases would come too fast.'
which sounded good in the sense that we could be solidary with the weaker in our society
but he/we might still tighten the measures if it turns out the increase in patients rises too fast.
but now it seems that half the people hospitalised are under 50
and need heavy care.
some voices are now saying, 'we are risking our lives for the greater good.. is that the best idea?'
so we might still go under tighter rule.
there's the thing we call the ' greying' of the society.
which refers to the large propotion of elderly who are 'weighing down' on the rest by not contributing
and only costing.
there are people that very crudely say it would be a good side effect if they were to disappear.
but I don't think anybody would sacrifice their own parents.
I think it's a good thing they decided to take some isolating measures over in England too.
yeah, I wonder how it'll all work with the supply of groceries etc. a few months in.
it's all pretty disconcerting.

take care! ... lth-chief/
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Re: Coronavirus ???

Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:57 am

I think I had it since the last post.
had a fever and my lungs hurt.. the last aches are slowly disappearing.
at least I hope that was it and I'm in the clear.
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Re: Coronavirus ???

Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:04 pm

JoaGymshoe wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:57 am
I think I had it since the last post.
had a fever and my lungs hurt.. the last aches are slowly disappearing.
at least I hope that was it and I'm in the clear.
Christ man, how are you feeling now?

Hope you're ok mate
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Re: Coronavirus ???

Sun Mar 29, 2020 5:10 am

Granny David wrote:
Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:04 pm
JoaGymshoe wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:57 am
I think I had it since the last post.
had a fever and my lungs hurt.. the last aches are slowly disappearing.
at least I hope that was it and I'm in the clear.
Christ man, how are you feeling now?

Hope you're ok mate
thanks man..
I'm alright..but I thought I recovered.. went back to work too soon I guess. immune system low
sick again.
I'll get there..
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Re: Coronavirus ???

Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:23 pm

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Re: Coronavirus ???

Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:00 am

hey guys! hope you're all good!
basically it's germany being german over here. same situation at the supermarkets until last week, now it's close to normal. but as far as we are being informed, most people stick to the rules and stay home. funny thing is, i would've never had so many social interactions during the last few weeks if covid-19 wasn't happening. all strictly online of course, but lots of fun seeing and talking to people. we developed a weekend schedule of playing records in our living room while livestreaming on friday, and playing quiplash on saturday through zoom or whatever's available. could be much worse. luckily, nobody i know caught the virus yet and i'm having a positive view about it.

as dez nyce said, stay safe & stay healthy!
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Re: Coronavirus ???

Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:44 pm

aight, let's talk co....... theories.

I think our liberty might get put on hold more regularly.
more control by governements.. less privacy.
there's slowly being 'chipped' away at our freedom.. double entedre

I'm not saying this virus has been planted ( perse ;) )
but the measures being taken will likely have lasting consequences.
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Re: Coronavirus ???

Wed Apr 08, 2020 7:00 pm

Whenever there is a horrible global event, governments will always see an opportunity to take advantage of it.

All I will say, it is interesting how much benefit the Chinese government got out of this whole situation :lol:
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Re: Coronavirus ??? or is it?

Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:31 am

for your consideration...
this video has been removed several times already so I don't know if it'll be up for long.
it's good to hear alternative information regardless if you wanna believe it or not..
not saying I do myself ;) ... mRoNiiEj3I
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